Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_1
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Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_1
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_2
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_3
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_4
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_5
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_6
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_7
Posters 2021 - Chord Symbols Sans_8
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Chord Symbols is a font for musicians. It helps you in writing beautiful chords, for example in Word or Pages. You don't need complicated configurations or keycodes. You can simply write the chords with your regular keyboard.

Musicians tend to notate chords with regular characters. They use # instead of a genuine sharp, b instead of a genuine flat, dim instead of a small circle, and so forth. With the Chord Symbols Font, your chords will be better looking, more easily readable and more efficiently notated. Uppercase letters will be chord roots and lowercase letters will look like superscript, for 'sus' and 'add' and the like. The number keys are addition, and those digits automatically look like supercript. The # in this font will create a beautiful sharp and the @ will create a nice flat (this key is to the left of #). And so forth.

You can use the font to notate chords the way you like it. Whether you prefer maj7 or m7 or a small triangle for a major seventh, whether you want m, mi, min or a horizontal line for a minor chord, this font will suit you. The font is originally created out of the need to write chords above pop song lyrics. However, it is designed to also work smoothly in music notation software, like Sibelius and Finale.

Here is a list of the most important keystrokes for using the font:

Roots and chord quality
  A...G (H)   A...G (H)     @ @
M M     # #
I I     [ [
N N     ] ]
_ _     / /
Alterations and additions
a...z a...z     < <
0...9 0...9     > >
^ ^     & &
o o     * *
\ \     + +
( (     -
) )     % %


Here are some examples of character combinations:

F#M F#M     B@9 B@9
E7sus4 E7sus4     F/G F/G
C^ C^     D7<5 D7<5
A\ A\     Cdim Cdim